Traditional weddings in Central Asia

During the 60 to 70 years of Soviet/russian rule, some Central Asian wedding customs were overthrown, but another conventions still exist. They are frequently ostentatious and grandiose and reflect the value of ladies and are rooted in the area’s nomadic prior.

A bride’s ceremonial scarf, known as the saukele, serves as a goodnight to her happy times as a young girl and as an entryway to marriage. A well-known woman did use golden, silk, and other priceless materials to enclose the headpiece. Her uzbekistan women for marriage exit to the couple’s relatives house was in its ultimate stages of readiness. Finally, with her mouth veiled, she was either escorted on base or on horseback. She may make ritual slings to her husband’s adult relatives as she travels.

Another significant aspect of a Northern Asiatic matrimony service was the marriage, or jasau. The couple’s family gave her a wide range of items to use for her potential in-laws. They may include pricey household items like meals, meals, and expensive jewellery. In today’s fast-paced society, close family also gave products of fine fabrics and kalpaks ( traditional clothing for men ).

The payment of a sizable sum of money to the couple’s community is also practiced in some places, like Turkmenistan. It’s known as kalym and is more than$ 10,000. The custom was outlawed during the Soviet Union, but it has since gained recognition, with 90 % of weddings nowadays paying kalyms.

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